Conceived during an intense period of self-searching and experimentation this work marks a stylistic shift from the organic free flowing By the Way paintings. Surrendering to simplicity and the meditative act of painting color formations reflecting on the passage of time and beauty in the presence of the mundane, the Energy Paintings mark a quiet control and flow of time and energy as pattern.
Conceived during an intense period of self-searching and experimentation this work marks a stylistic shift from the organic free flowing By the Way paintings. Surrendering to simplicity and the meditative act of painting color formations reflecting on the passage of time and beauty in the presence of the mundane, the Energy Paintings mark a quiet control and flow of time and energy as pattern.
001 Happy, latex on canvas 30” x 48”
002 Confluence, watercolor on paper 55” x 40”
003 Transcendence, watercolor on paper 55” x 35”
004 Enlightenment, watercolor on paper 55” x 120”
04b Enlightenment, gallery view
031 Retro II, latex on canvas 24” x 48”
030 Retro I, latex on canvas 30” x 40”
005 Inspiration, acrylic on canvas 36” x 36”
006 Morning Rush, acrylic on canvas 30” x 40”
007 Untitled, acrylic on canvas 20” x 20”